FlashCut Twins 1515 S
FlashCut Twins 1515 S
Static table
1550×1550 cutting area
Cutting area Proyector
50mm head height
Gaskets and Fittings
Footwear Auxiliary
Gaphic Arts
New generation of blade cutting systems FlashCut TWINS offers a wide range of configurations and accessories in order to satisfy the possibility of working a wide variety of flexible materials in many industrial sectors: Industrial Gaskets, Packaging, Upholstery, Automobile, Aeronautics, Composites, Footwear, Leather Goods, etc.
They represent the natural evolution of the previous generation of ATOM cutting systems, notably improving robustness always based on a solid and compact chassis, an exclusive Atom characteristic of recognized and proven efficiency.
Solid chassis structure, precision mechanics and state-of-the-art electronics. Modular cutting head capable of handling materials up to 50mm thick. Said head is made up of 2 main tangential cutting tools that can be completed with optional accessories, which include inkjet printing and head telecamera for the recognition of pre-printed materials. Control of heights, speeds and regulations in the head are operated through the software.
The TWINS line is divided into the following versions:
Flashcut «S»: Static cutting surface tables.
Flashcut «B»: Cutting surface tables with movable mat. Conveyorized. For cutting rolls.
Flashcut «EMH»: Cutting tables with sequential head or separate tools Cutter / Cutter with a maximum height of 50mm.
Brochure Download: FlashCut TWINS